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4 helpful steps to take during a bad body image day

Having a bad body image day? 1.What am I feeling? “I’m feeling really uncomfortable in my body today” “I’m noticing picking myself apart as I’m getting ready ” “I am feeling some anxiety about how my body seems to have changed recently” “I’m frustrated these jeans don’t fit right now and that experience is adding […]
4 helpful steps to take during a bad body image day

4 helpful steps to take during a bad body image day


Table of Contents

Having a bad body image day?

1.What am I feeling?

“I’m feeling really uncomfortable in my body today”

“I’m noticing picking myself apart as I’m getting ready ”

“I am feeling some anxiety about how my body seems to have changed recently”

“I’m frustrated these jeans don’t fit right now and that experience is adding to my discomfort”

2.What do I need right now?

Ask yourself “what do I need right now?”.

Think of some things you can do in this moment or today to make getting through the morning/afternoon/evening a bit easier.

Examples: having a rest, taking 3 deep breaths, positive affirmations, writing a ‘feel good’ list of activities you enjoy, do things on this list, choosing to wear clothes that feel comfortable, remind yourself you are so much more than your body.

3.Choose an affirmation 

  • I am allowed to feel what I am feeling
  • I am more than a body
  • My worth is not defined by my weight
  • Even on days when body image is hard, my body still needs food and energy
  • This feeling is temporary
  • Just because my body changes, doesn’t mean my worth does
  • I am enough

4.What would I say to a good friend?

What would I say to a good friend if they were feeling this way and having a tough body image day?

Can I give that same compassion to myself?

What do you notice about the difference between the dialogue with yourself vs. the dialogue you would have had with a friend?

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