Our friends at Well Newham have added our online resource, Be Body Positive, to Joy (also known as the Well Newham Directory of Services). This means social prescribing link workers, GPs, nurses, and other health and social care staff nationwide can signpost young people, parents and carers to resources covering disordered eating and body image.
You can access the Be Body Positive Joy listing here.
What is Well Newham and Joy?
From June 2023, Well Newham is bringing together everything in one place to help you connect with a range of health and wellbeing services and activities in Newham.
Joy enables people and communities nationwide to link up and access local wellbeing services and support networks.
Who are social prescribing link workers?
Social prescribing link workers connect people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.
In social prescribing, local agencies such as local charities, social care and health services refer people to a social prescribing link worker. Social prescribing link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me?’ to coproduce a simple personalised care and support plan, and support people to take control of their health and wellbeing.
Want to find out more about Be Body Positive?
Sign up to our webinar for parents and carers or for youth workers.
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